Starting entrepreneurs
This collector's page for budding artists will answer all the questions you are facing as a budding entrepreneur.
As a beginning artist, you often find yourself with quite a few questions. How do I set up my business? How much can I charge for my work? Which jobs do I take on and which jobs do I not? Who do I want to work with? How do I stay inspired?
In the video below, participants of the Mentoring Program talk about the questions they have as young creators and the mentors share some of their sage advice.
Do you recognize yourself in the video above? And would you like to learn more about starting your artistic practice? Then take a look at our knowledge base. There you will find, among others, the following articles that might help you:
- Roadmap to starting self-employment
- Knowing your worth
- How do I determine my rate?
- Financial administration
- Creating a budget
- Invoicing and preparing an invoice
- The tax return
- Insurance in the cultural sector
- Funding initiatives and projects
- Overview of grants and funds
- Development budget for employees and the self-employed
- Establishing a foundation
- Tips for free promotion
- PODCAST - Always a Way
In our program you will also find many offerings for you as a beginning artist. For example, come to the Monday Club, where you can find help and supporters for things like writing a grant application, making a budget and sending out a press release.
Finally, Cultuur Academy is not the only platform for (beginning) culture professionals. The following organizations also offer support in the form of online articles, workshops and funding:

Grants and funds
There is an enormous amount of information on available grants and funds, and how to apply for them. On this page we have gathered this information for you, so you can get started right away.

Marketing and communications
Marketing en communicatie draait in de kern om het bereiken van je publiek. Want wat je ook maakt of welke dienst je ook levert als kunstenaar of culturele organisatie, zonder publiek ben je nergens. Maar hoe kom je erachter wie je publiek is en hoe je ze bereikt?

Events should be able to be attended by everyone, including visitors with disabilities. But as an organizer, how do you make sure your event or festival is accessible? How do you remove barriers and obstacles for visitors with disabilities, and make sure they can experience your event well? On this theme page, event organizers will find information on how to make their event accessible.