General conditions
All our offers, agreements and the performance thereof are governed exclusively by Dutch law.
All programs at Cultuur Academy (such as training courses, workshops, knowledge sessions and courses) are referred to as courses in this document.
1. Registration and participation
Registration takes place by submitting the completed application form on the Cultuur Academy website. The date of receipt will be considered the registration date. Registration via form is binding unless an intake regarding suitability is part of the course.
2. Admission and selection
If more participants register for a course than can be placed, the order of registration will be maintained and the others will be offered a place on the next course with the same content. If there is an intake for a course, then the participant's suitability for that course is leading.
If fewer participants than the required minimum number register for a course, Cultuur Academy is entitled to cancel the course, up to and including the deadline for registration as indicated on the website, without the student being entitled to any compensation. Any course fees already paid will be refunded within two weeks, unless the course participant indicates that he/she wishes to remain registered for the next course.
The Cultuur Academy has the authority to deny a participant the right to further participation in a course in whole or in part, if the Cultuur Academy is hindered in the execution of the agreement by a participant's behavior, all at the sole discretion of the Cultuur Academy.
3. Method of paying courses
By completing and submitting the online registration form (and from any intake the suitability for the course is shown) the course participant is obliged to pay the course fee. For this the course participant will receive a digital invoice. Our courses are subject to VAT. Published prices are always subject to change. If the course fee has not yet been paid, Cultuur Academy reserves the right to give priority to other registrants who have paid.
Travel costs from the place of residence or residence to the course location and vice versa, and accommodation costs during the course will be borne entirely by the student.
4. Termination of courses.
Students may cancel without charge up to three weeks prior to the start date of a course. This can only be done by sending an e-mail to info@cultuuracademy.nl. The date of receipt of the cancellation is decisive. If the course participant cancels after the aforementioned period of three weeks, but before one week before the start date, we will charge 50% of the course fee excluding VAT as cancellation costs. From one week before the start date, the full course fee will be charged.
After the start date, cancellation is no longer possible, except in cases of force majeure or serious circumstances such as long-term illness or death. In such cases, Cultuur Academy decides whether the student is entitled to a refund of (part of) the course fee.
5. Cancellation of classes
Cultuur Academy reserves the right to replace the original trainer or course leader. In case of illness of the trainer or course leader Cultuur Academy will make every effort to reschedule the course date(s). This will consider what the most optimal day/time is for both the group and feasible for Cultuur Academy. If no replacement can be found, the course fee for the remaining course dates will be refunded.
Should the student miss a course (date) for whatever reason, this cannot be made up for organizational reasons. The student is not entitled to a refund of course fees.
6. Insufficient enrollment
The Cultuur Academy reserves the right to cancel a course if there are insufficient registrations. This will be done no later than the business day after the course registration deadline. The course participant will of course not owe any course fee in this case. In consultation with the course group, a different course formula may be offered: times and teaching methods may then be adapted. If these adjustments are not desired, the student can deregister and no course fee will be due.
7. Force Majeure
In case of force majeure, as a result of which the course of Cultuur Academy is permanently or temporarily, wholly or partially impossible, Cultuur Academy has the authority to suspend or cancel the course without being liable for compensation.
Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, threat of war, war, insurrection, acts of war, strikes, absenteeism of trainers, boycotts, business disruptions at Cultuur Academy or its suppliers, traffic disruptions, governmental measures, natural disasters, pandemics, fire and any other circumstances as a result of which the course cannot proceed.
Cultuur Academy will inform the student as soon as possible in the event of a force majeure situation and communicate the extent to which the course will be cancelled or rescheduled.
8. Brochures/forms/website
No rights may be derived from the brochures, website texts, forms, etc. originating from Cultuur Academy insofar as they differ from those reflected in these general terms and conditions.
9. Photography and video recordings
We draw the student's attention to the fact that during courses organized by the Cultuur Academy photographs and/or film recordings may be made. These may be used for publicity purposes. By signing the registration form the student agrees to this. If the student does not wish to be visible, this must be clearly indicated to the organization.
10. Liability
The Cultuur Academy is not liable for theft and damage caused by accidents and/or misuse of materials. By signing and submitting the registration form, the student indicates agreement with the general terms and conditions.
1. Employees of the Cultuur Academy or employees hired by the Cultuur Academy provide courses and advice in good faith.
2. Cultuur Academy accepts no liability for any adverse consequences that may occur as a result, subject to its responsibility to the law.