About us
Cultuur Academy is there for the culture professional in Arnhem, Nijmegen and the region and stands for the collective strengthening of the sector: learning and development as a natural part of the work.
About Cultuur Academy
The team
Esther Dikkers | Director |
Jessica de Jaeger | Programma (extern) |
Hana Minako van Maldegem | Office Manager |
Maaike van Milt | Marketing & Communications |
Belinda Limani | Marketeer & redacteur Kennisbank (extern) |
Sjoerd Los | Hoofdredacteur Kennisbank & programmamaker |
Moniek Klabbers | Programmamaker |
Maike Pijnappel | Fondscoördinator (o.a. Groeispurt & Stroomversneller) |
Lille Witsen Elias | Programmaleider De Generator (extern) |
Robin Atema | Projectcoördinator toegankelijke evenementen (extern) |
Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? Then feel free to contact us! You can do so at info@cultuuracademy.nl.
Wil je op de hoogte blijven van ons aanbod? Schrijf je dan hier in voor de nieuwsbrief onderaan de pagina of volg ons op Instagram, LinkedIn of Facebook.
Kantoor Arnhem
De Transformatie Zaal, Van Oldenbarneveldtstraat 94-15, 6827 AN Arnhem
How to get there.
Navigate to Jumpsquare, van Oldenbarneveldtstraat 91. Opposite Jumpsquare, go up the stairs. The first door on the right leads to our office. Next to the door is a doorbell.
Accessibility Arnhem office
The main entrance is not wheelchair and walker accessible. Please contact us in advance at info@cultuuracademy.nl so we can let you in through another entrance.
Kantoor Nijmegen
NYMA Makersplaats, Winselingseweg 14, Unit 104, 6541 AK Nijmegen
Accessibility office Nijmegen
The main entrance is not wheelchair and walker accessible. The building has a side entrance that leads to an elevator that allows you to reach the second floor, and our office. There is also a wheelchair toilet. Please contact us in advance at info@cultuuracademy.nl so we can give you the information you need.
Foundation data
Statutory name: Stichting Cultuur Academy
Popular name: Cultuur Academy
Chamber of Commerce: 76507734
RSIN: 860650133
Our Board
President: Betty Bergman
Treasurer: Joost Bakker
Secretary: Deline Kruitbosch
Member: Marleen van de Westelaken
Member: Tomas Postema

Het bestuur van stichting Cultuur Academy zoekt een secretaris (onbezoldigd)
Het bestuur van Cultuur Academy zoekt wegens het vertrek van de huidige bestuurssecretaris een nieuw bestuurslid voor deze rol. We zoeken iemand die met zijn of haar talenten bijdraagt aan een bestuurscultuur waarin alle stemmen uit de regio Arnhem/Nijmegen worden gehoord en gewaardeerd.
Retirement schedule and ancillary positions board.
Our board receives no remuneration for its duties.
There are no officers within the Cultuur Academy Foundation who receive payment above the WNT standard.
Read our statutes here
Change of Statutes Schakel025 Foundation to Foundation Cultuur Academy
Annual Report
Read our 2023 annual report here
Policy Plan
Read our 2023-2024 policy plan here
The Cultuur Academy Foundation is a recognized charity with cultural ANBI status. Donations to our foundation are therefore deductible for income or corporate tax. For this, the donation must be recorded with a periodic donation agreement. One-time donations are tax deductible under certain conditions. The required ANBI information on Cultuur Academy is published here.
The website was built by Marcel Klein Legtenberg and Harm van der Burgt and the design is by Vincent Hammingh.
Special thanks to

Special thanks to