
Do you have an idea for a project, but find it difficult to apply for funds? For this we have developed a new fund : the Firestarter.

Dit revolverende fonds biedt een rentevrije lening van maximaal €2500,-, die je kunt gebruiken om een fondsenwerver voor jouw project in te schakelen. Deze fondsenwerver stelt samen met jou een projectplan op, benadert mogelijke financiers en kan het project helpen verantwoorden. De fondsenwerver is beginnend en krijgt begeleiding van een meer ervaren collega. Je mag zelf een fondsenwerver aandragen, maar wij kunnen je ook koppelen aan iemand uit onze pool.

Samengevat omvat een goedgekeurde aanvraag voor het Firestartfonds:

  • Tot €2500,-, naar wens te verdelen tussen een junior en senior fondsenwerver.
  • Een ondersteuningsbudget van €500,- voor het oprichten van een stichting (indien nodig).
  • Zakelijke ondersteuning in de vorm van advies of praktische hulp.
  • Marketing- en publiciteitsondersteuning, zoals advies of praktische hulp.

Indien het project succesvol verloopt, betaal je de lening terug, zodat het fonds in stand blijft voor toekomstige aanvragers.

The project you are applying for cannot take place earlier than 9 months from the time of application. If in doubt, please consult with us.

Criteria Firestarter

Unsure if you meet all the criteria? Contact us, we are happy to help you.

  • The project relates to Arts & Culture.
  • This is a new project (not a retake or reprise).
  • The applicant and/or the project have a demonstrable connection with the city of Arnhem or Nijmegen. This means that the project takes place in the city or that the applicant has a demonstrable connection with the city and ensures visibility there.
  • The project applied for will take place no earlier than 9 months after application.
  • The applicant may be a non-profit legal entity or a natural person.
  • The application concerns project-related activities: activities that take place within a defined time frame. There is a clear beginning and end.
  • The applicant is responsible for the quality of the final result.
  • There is a high degree of artistic potential and/or quality.
  • The project aims, in part, to present professional art & culture to audiences.
  • The applicant has not previously been subsidized by the Municipality of Arnhem in the subregulation 3 (multiannual) and has not previously been subsidized by the Municipality of Nijmegen in the regulation on multiannual cultural programs.- The applicant has a foundation or is willing to establish one with the requested contribution (if plan/discipline requires it).
  • The applicant profiles himself as an Arnhem and Nijmegen creator, respectively.
  • The applicant can only be involved in one project.
  • Applications for purely recording an album will not be considered.
  • If relevant, at least a few playdates should be committed.

Additional guidelines

  • De bijdrage bedraagt maximaal €2500,-, wat middels maatwerk en in overleg tussen de aanvrager en Cultuur Academy verdeeld wordt over een vergoeding voor een junior fondsenwerver, een senior fondsenwerver.
  • Indien er een stichting moet worden opgericht voor de fondsenwerving, kan Firestartfonds daar financieel aan bijdragen tot een max van €500,-.
  • The applicant is required to explain the application to the review committee in a pitch.
  • The applicant is required to cooperate in communication and publicity.
  • The contribution should be repaid, if possible. Based on the final budget sent by the applicant to his/her funds, a distribution key will be applied to the amount to be repaid.


Photo of singer on a stage in front of a room full of people

Experience Firestart Fund: Miriam Moczko - Heimat

With her viola and minimal use of effects, she creates landscapes where her voice shows the listener the way.

Photo of two actors on stage

Experience with the Firestart Fund and De Stroomversneller: Jasper van der Pijl - Het Onbenoembare

The Unnameable is a theatrical performance about the fear of the unknown, the search for truth and the impossibility of knowing it. Are you determined to find out the truth?

We asked several creators to write texts about their experience with The Firestart Fund Curious?

Continue reading here


You can apply for the Firestarter by filling out the application form. In addition to your contact information, this form asks you to submit an artistic plan (including mission, vision, objective and concrete project or research question) of maximum two A4, a CV and (visual) material from previous work. This may also be graduation work. If your application is complete and meets the criteria, you will be invited for an exploratory interview.

Still have questions? Feel free to contact us at