Elske Nissen

Subsidiedeadlines januari t/m juni 2025

We have listed the deadlines and continuing arrangements of many funds and grantees for you. Is a deadline missing from the list? If so, please let us know!

Do you have questions about financing your project? We can give you tailored advice in our consulting sessions or during our grant consultations and Monday Club.

Municipality of Arnhem

Municipality of Nijmegen

Province of Gelderland

The Cultural Fund (nationwide)

Het Cultuurfonds deadlines (Cultuur in Gelderland)

  • 15 januari 2025 (vergaderdatum: 14 maart 2025)
  • 15 april 2025 (vergaderdatum: 6 juni 2025)

Poppunt Gelderland

fund for cultural participation

Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie

fund Performing arts


Mondrian fund

BNG Culture Fund

Lira fund

fund ZOZ

ZOZ Academy

Literary Fund

NORMA fund

Theater performance or concert series.

  • 31 januari: ronde 1
  • 30 april: ronde 2 (opent 1 april 2025)
  • 31 juli: ronde 3 (opent 1 juli 2025)

Hollyhock Foundation


Film Fund