Foto van de expositie Lonely lands
©Henk Huibers

Ervaring met de Groeispurt: Mirthe Scheifes - Lonely lands

Since graduating from St. Joost in Den Bosch, Mirthe has explored how analog photography can bring worlds to life through her hand of composition and her photographic gaze. In her work, people (often herself or her family) are situated upside down or in parts in poetic environments and are given the space needed to merge into their surroundings as inanimate objects, or as silent life.

When her living space became limited to the living room, she turned her gaze to the small, the unsightly, the waste of the living, and suddenly a dead fly became an object of beauty and reflection. Lonely lands offers the viewer two ways of looking. Viewing boxes give access through a lens to "objects trouvés"; a mayfly, a bee, a number of pollen threads draped over a nearly decayed piece of wood, a piece of metal from a bracket. On the walls hang enlarged analog photographs of similar mise-en-scenes. Small ecologies, attesting to unexpected connections.

Lonely lands

The project and exhibition Lonely lands marked the next step in the professionalization of my art practice. By working toward an end point, it was important to think extra carefully about the presentation and professionalism of the works. With an important question: what do I outsource and what do I do myself? By taking my own expertise seriously but also using the expertise of Fotolab Amsterdam, it became a full-fledged exhibition.

The photographic works were the starting point of this exhibition. Because I wanted to include the visitor in my way of looking, I conceived and created the viewing boxes to go with them.

Exterior exhibit space of the exhibition Lonely lands
Visitor looks through a viewing box in exhibition space
Photos in exhibition space

Contribution of the Groeispurt

The grant made me make this "experience" the starting point. What does this exhibition need to make the visitor step into my world? How large the photographs would be printed or what type of wood I would use for the viewing boxes was determined not only by their cost but could be made from concept and intention.

About the Groeispurt

The Groeispurt is a Nijmegen grant scheme for young creators, artists and performers. The scheme stimulates new ideas and initiatives. We want to help young talent move forward, without unnecessary restrictions and obligations. It is a flexible and fast way of support to encourage new developments. With the Groeispurt we give young creators an extra helping hand and allow art and culture in Nijmegen to flourish even more. Click here for more information about the Groeispurt.