Young people in an audience standing and cheering.

Win €2500 and improve the accessibility of your event!

Events should be able to be attended by everyone, including visitors with disabilities. But as an organizer, how do you make sure your event or festival is accessible?

Do you have a plan to make (part of) your event more accessible and could use some extra support? Then send us your plan and get a chance to win a €2500 voucher!


  • Your event or festival takes place in the municipality of Arnhem.
  • Your plan is doable by 2025.
  • Your plan involves an improvement in accessibility for the long(er) term.
  • You will be present during Accessible Events, How Do We Take the Next Step? on Nov. 25.


Present your idea through a video pitch of up to 1.5 minutes or in a text of up to 500 words. In it, answer the following questions:

  • What will you do to make your event more accessible?
  • How do you approach this and who do you work with?
  • Why is this important to your visitors, participants and staff?

Complete the form at the bottom of this page and submit your pitch as an attachment by November 1 for a chance to win a voucher of €2500 excluding VAT.


A jury with representatives of the Arnhems Platform Chronisch Zieken en Gehandicapten (APCG), Cultuur Academy and the municipality of Arnhem will judge the plans on ambition, feasibility and impact. During the symposium "Accessible events: how do we take the next step?" on Monday, November 25, the winner will be announced.

The jury will evaluate the plans on the following criteria:

  • Ambition: How ambitious and innovative is the plan?
  • (Practical) feasibility: Is the plan realistic and feasible within the time and resources provided?
  • Sustainability: Is the investment in accessibility a one-time event, or does it contribute to future editions of the same or similar events?
  • Role model: Can the plan serve as inspiration for other events?

Send your submission to Cultuur Academy by Nov. 1 by completing the form via the button below and attaching your plan. Questions? Email Robin Atema at

Looking for inspiration? Visit our knowledge base, where you'll find lots of valuable information about making your event accessible and the various options available to you.