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Overview of grants and funds

Here you will find a handy overview of grants and funds. There are opportunities for different themes so there is a good chance that something will fit your project or initiative.


Here you will find a handy overview of grants and funds. There are many of them. For different themes there are possibilities so there is a good chance that something will fit your project or initiative. You can work with a fundraiser or decide to find out and apply for funding yourself. We are happy to help you on your way. For example, at Cultuur Academy you will find information about applying for grants and funds and related tips. We also have examples of a project plan, a budget and a communication plan ready for you.

We have also listed many possible grants and funds for you below. First you will see grants that have a specific deadline and then there are some schemes with multiple deadlines. Finally, we have described a lot of funds where you can apply on an ongoing basis. Clicking on the title will take you to the relevant website.

Grants and funds linked to deadlines

Ieder half jaar plaatsen wij een nieuw overzicht met actuele deadlines. Kijk hier voor de deadlines van januari t/m juni 2025.

Arts & culture schemes with multiple deadlines

Local governments

Most local governments large and small have their own arts and culture subsidy schemes for artistic projects and often amateur arts organizations. If you search on "municipality and culture subsidy" through the search engines yourself, you will come a long way. You can already click through to Arnhem, Nijmegen, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Groningen, Lelystad, Lingewaard, Rheden and Utrecht.

Provincial governments

Many provinces have numerous grant programs both in the area of culture and for things you may never have heard of. The combined provinces account for more than 300 subsidy schemes. Below are links to the subsidies of all provinces in the Netherlands. Gelderland, Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Groningen, Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland.

Continuous applications arts & culture, no set deadline

Arts and culture loans

Funds for more social and community projects


Grants for businesses and entrepreneurs

Enterprise Funds

Many cities have their own entrepreneurial fund aimed at projects that strengthen the economy. Doing your own search on "entrepreneurial fund and your city" will no doubt get you there. In any case, here are some for you: Arnhem, Nijmegen, Eindhoven, Groningen, Leeuwarden, Utrecht and Zwolle.

Sustainability and environment

Local and regional governments

As a rule, both local and provincial governments have numerous subsidies in the area of sustainability. Some municipalities have their own schemes and others are more likely to refer you to national schemes. It is best to take a look at the municipal website under subsidies. The subsidies of the various provinces can be found here: Gelderland, Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Groningen, Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Noord-Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland.

Grant for digital projects

DEN, the knowledge institute for culture and digitization, has created a subsidy guide for cultural projects in which digital technologies play an important role. Also working on such a project and looking for suitable funds? Check out the subsidy guide on their website.

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