Photo: Kevin Canales
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Physical accessibility

If people cannot enter your building or grounds then it soon ends. Sometimes the necessary facilities are already there and in some cases you will have to make your own arrangements. Think of aids such as a ramp or an accessible toilet. But also the routing on the site and whether the escape routes are suitable for visitors with disabilities. Don't forget to communicate the measures taken with your visitors and employees.


In de podcastserie Toegankelijke Evenementen delen ervaringsdeskundige bezoekers en experts hun ervaringen en bevraagt presentator Tim Kroesbergen hen over hoe het nog beter kan. In deze aflevering spreekt Tim Maaike Jacobs van de stichting Arnhems platform chronisch zieken en gehandicapten en Dirk Malschaert, organisator van het ASM festival over fysieke toegankelijkheid.

Podcast: Fysieke toegankelijkheid


Download het transcript van deze podcastaflevering.


To make the site or building accessible, consider the following things, among others:


Make sure there are (also) toilets that are easily accessible and large enough for people who use a wheelchair or walker, for example. It can also happen that people want to use the toilet very often for medical reasons. They often have a pass with which they can prove this and it is customary to grant them free access to the toilet.


  • Make sure doors or barriers are easy to open or have someone standing by to help in an emergency.
  • Place a colored marker at any obstacles.
  • Arrange places where people order and pay for something (the cash register, a bar, the checkroom) so that everyone can do so independently. Consider a lowered counter or a place or way that allows staff and guest to understand each other better.
  • Make sure doors can open automatically, are open or can be operated at the push of a button.


  • Make use of "ramps" that allow people with wheelchairs or walkers to get up an elevation.
  • Make sure the location does not have any uneven surfaces that could bother wheelchair users or people with walkers. If necessary, make use of driving plates or wooden decking.
  • Provide a separate area for wheelchair users, if there really is no other way for them to properly attend the program.

Transportation to the event


Often people with disabilities come with someone who accompanies them or could do so when needed, for example in case of emergency. You might make an exception for these people in terms of admission price, but that's up to you.

Routing around the grounds

Site routing, meaning how visitors move around the grounds, plays an important role in making your event accessible. Consider, for example, the entrance, walking routes, lighting and modifications to public spaces.

Read a comprehensive overview of things to consider in terms of routing around the grounds here.

Accessibility: escape routes

The moment you have people with disabilities on your property or in your building it is also essential that they are safe in the event of an emergency. That means that they must be able to reach the emergency exits independently or with supervision and that there are no obstacles. Also consider evacuation chairs when you're higher up in a building and you can't use the elevators.

Suppose you decide to proceed with an evacuation, that message will also have to be conveyed to people who cannot hear or see well.

It is helpful to know which people are coming and what disabilities they have. Even if it is not always possible, try to keep in touch with these people during the event or at the venue. When you submit your permit application, specifically indicate that visitors with disabilities are expected. This is so that emergency services are aware of this, and can take it into account.

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