Een still uit de video van Five Suns, we zien een man met een helm op in een betegelde kamer. Hij houd zijn hand voor zijn vizier.
Still uit Five Suns - Helios

Criteria Stroomversneller

Lees de criteria van Stroomversneller goed door voordat je een aanvraag doet. Twijfel je of je aan alle criteria voldoet? Neem dan contact met ons op, we helpen je graag!

Criteria Stroomversneller

Hieronder vind je alle criteria van de Stroomversneller. Deze zijn opgedeeld per discipline. Lees ze goed door voordat je een aanvraag doet. Twijfel je of je aan alle criteria voldoet? Neem dan contact met ons op, we helpen je graag!

Who can NOT apply:

  • Door de overheid structureel gesubsidieerde organisaties.
  • Partijen die reeds subsidie ontvangen van Gemeente Arnhem in het kader van de regeling meerjarige ondersteuning artistieke producties en festivals (deelregelingen 1b, 2 en 3).
  • Studenten, als het project in het kader van een studieopdracht is.
  • Als de aanvrager meer dan 8 jaar een zelfstandige beroepspraktijk hebt als kunstenaar of maker, ongeacht de kunstdiscipline waarin er wordt aangevraagd.
  • Als de aanvrager afgelopen twee jaar al een ondersteuning heeft ontvangen de Stroomversneller. Gerekend vanaf de toekenningsdatum van een toegekende aanvraag mag er twee jaar niet aangevraagd worden door dezelfde maker. Ben je bijvoorbeeld op 18 maart 2023 gehonoreerd, dan kun je vanaf 18 maart 2025 weer een nieuwe aanvraag indienen.
  • Als een aanvrager twee keer een ondersteuning heeft ontvangen van de Stroomversneller, worden nieuwe aanvragen niet meer in behandeling genomen. Dit geldt voor individuele aanvragers en voor stichtingen en collectieven of de leden daarvan.
  • If you are supported by the Firestart Fund.
  • Bij gezamenlijke aanvragen moet iedere afzonderlijke kunstenaar/ maker aan alle subsidiecriteria van de Stroomversneller voldoen.

For what can you apply:

  • The application concerns project-related activities: activities that take place within a defined time frame. There is a clear beginning and end;
  • The project relates to Arts & Culture;
  • The project is new and strives for high artistic quality or educational experimentation (see heading educational projects);
  • The application must be submitted at least 1.5 months before the start of the project. The start time is when you start incurring/executing work or costs that you have budgeted and or described in your project plan.
  • The results are accessible to an audience. Applicant must have an understanding of the target audience, how it will be reached, and why the target audience is important to the development of the creator's professional practice;
  • The project is demonstrably relevant to the creator's development;
  • You can apply for up to €3,000 from the Stroomversneller.
Foto van de expositie Of me and your van Daphne van de Velde

What does the Stroomversneller not support

  • Projects supported by Groeispurt Fund Nijmegen. If you are a creator with a connection to both Arnhem and Nijmegen, we ask that you choose one of the two funds. If in doubt, please contact us;
  • Activities subsidized by the Municipality of Arnhem under the Productions, Events and Festivals scheme;
  • Opleidingen/bijscholingen voor jezelf, daarvoor verwijzen we je door deze website van Werktuig PPO;
  • Activities related to training or study;
  • Regular activities and structural organizational costs;
  • Projects with no clear beginning or end;
  • Investigations, processes and activities that are not clearly project-bound;
  • Projects that are basically a commission from an external client, where the applicant has limited artistic freedom;
  • Projects that are not open to public access;
  • Projects without unmistakable Arnhem appeal/reach/importance;
  • Projects with a religious and/or political objective;
  • Fundraising on behalf of third parties;
  • Investment/purchase of materials that are not specifically project related: consider laptops, cameras, instruments, technical equipment
  • Purchases in the field of (visual) arts;
  • Awards ceremonies, prizes and competitions, commemorations, anniversaries and symposia;
  • Restorations;
  • Heritage projects;
  • Remodeling or (re)decorating;

Criteria voor kunstvakdocenten en educatieve projecten

The Stroomversneller can also be applied for by creators whose projects focus primarily on the development of educational activities/expressions and who wish to develop as professionals in this field.

The core values Stroomversneller Education

  • The applicant is responsible for the quality of the project;
  • The project is aimed at developing the applicant and obtaining (new) job prospects;
  • The project is demonstrably relevant to the applicant's development;
  • End result may be a research project, new methodology or a teaching package or educational performance/exhibition etc;

Who can apply:

  • The applicant may be a non-profit legal entity (e.g. Foundation)or a natural person (also self-employed);
  • The applicant has a maximum of 8 years of independent professional practice in the discipline for which they are applying;
  • De aanvrager is woonachtig in Arnhem of heeft een sterke, aantoonbare connectie met de stad.

Who can NOT apply:

  • Government structurally subsidized organizations;
  • Parties that already receive a subsidy from the Municipality of Arnhem under the scheme for multi-year support for artistic productions and festivals (sub-schemes 1b, 2 and 3);
  • Students, if the project is as part of a course of study;
  • If you have more than 8 years of independent professional practice in the discipline for which you are applying. If you were previously a performer (e.g., dancer, actor, musician, visual artist, etc.) and start an education practice, we will count years of experience as an education professional.
  • If the applicant has already received support from the Stroomversneller or Groeispurt Nijmegen in the past two years. If an applicant's project has been granted, no new application will be considered in the same calendar year and the following calendar year of this applicant. For example, if you were granted support in 2020, you can submit a new application from 2022.
  • If you are supported by the Firestart Fund;

For what can you apply:

  • The application concerns project-related activities: activities that take place within a defined time frame. There is a clear beginning and end;
  • The project relates to Arts & Culture;
  • The application must be submitted at least 1.5 months before the start of the project. The start time is when you start incurring/executing work or costs that you have budgeted and or described in your project plan.
  • The end result need not be accessible to an audience (may be), but must have participants/students;
  • The project is demonstrably relevant to the creator's development;
  • The artistic value of the final product is not a weighting criterion;
  • You can apply for up to €3,000 from the Stroomversneller.

What does the Stroomversneller Education not support

  • Projects supported by Groeispurt Fund Nijmegen. If you are a creator with a connection to both Arnhem and Nijmegen, we ask that you choose one of the two funds. If in doubt, please contact us;
  • Activities subsidized by the Municipality of Arnhem under the Productions, Events and Festivals scheme;
  • Opleidingen/bijscholingen voor jezelf, daarvoor verwijzen we je door deze website van Werktuig PPO;
  • Activities related to training or study;
  • Regular activities and structural organizational costs;
  • Projects with no clear beginning or end;
  • Investigations, processes and activities that are not clearly project-bound;
  • Projects that are basically a commission from an external client, where the applicant has limited artistic freedom;
  • Projects that are not open to public access;
  • Projects without unmistakable Arnhem appeal/reach/importance;
  • Projects with a religious and/or political objective;
  • Fundraising on behalf of third parties;
  • Investment/purchase of materials that are not specifically project related: consider laptops, cameras, instruments, technical equipment
  • Purchases in the field of (visual) arts;
  • Awards ceremonies, prizes and competitions, commemorations, anniversaries and symposia;
  • Restorations;
  • Heritage projects;
  • Remodeling or (re)decorating;