When realizing your initiative or project, you may have to deal with certain forms of laws and regulations. For example, you cannot organize or sell just about anything to third parties. It may then be necessary to apply for a permit.
When realizing your initiative or project, you may have to deal with certain forms of laws and regulations. For example, you cannot just organize or sell just about anything to third parties. That's why in the cultural sector you regularly come across the term permits because sometimes you need them. There are lots of different permits. Think of a permit to organize something, a liquor license or a permit to advertise or promote something on the street. We will go into a little more detail on this page limiting ourselves to the most common permits in the cultural sector. It is advisable to consult the website of the municipality where your initiative or project takes place. In this article we stick to the regulations of the municipality of Arnhem.
Why do you need a permit?
A permit was not devised to make the government make money or to make it extra difficult to get anything off the ground. Quite the contrary, in fact, because through the permit application you often find out a lot of things you didn't already know. By issuing a permit, a municipality gives you approval for your plans and they clearly state where your responsibilities lie. Advice from the emergency services (such as fire, police, medical service) is also given. You can take advantage of this. If you stick to everything in the permit, it will all be safer and easier.
Types of permits
If you want to organize something in the cultural sector, you may need a permit. We have listed some possible permits for you below. Always check further because this overview is not complete and in other municipalities the procedure may differ slightly. Feel free to ask the municipality.
The notification small event / cultural activity
For a neighborhood or district-related activity, an exhibition, many cultural or sporting events, a digital notification small event is sufficient in most cases. There are no costs involved. However, your initiative or project must meet a number of conditions. For example, you may receive a maximum of 249 visitors, no alcohol may be sold and it will not take place in the pedestrian zone in the center of Arnhem. This notification is really a godsend for the cultural sector. Read all the conditions on the website of the Municipality of Arnhem.
The event permit
A common permit in the cultural sector is the event permit. You need this in most cases when you plan to organize an event on public land or in a building. Contact the municipality at an early stage for medium or large-scale events. The municipal contact persons are happy to think along with you and can put you in contact with possible cooperation partners, they can inform you about (municipal) subsidy possibilities and they often have tips to help promote your initiative or project. The costs for a permit depend on the number of visitors you expect. More information on event permits can be found on the website of the municipality of Arnhem.
Beverage and Catering Act, temporary dispensation under article 35
During a special occasion, it is possible to provide weak alcoholic beverages without an official Alcohol and Catering Act license. The law does impose certain requirements for this. The municipality will give you the required exemption. For this you must fill in certain details and prove that you are in possession of a Social Hygiene Declaration (SVH). This exemption is always temporary and the municipality assesses whether you qualify for it. When you apply for an event permit, the application for this exemption is part of it. So you do not have to apply separately. Read more about this permit on the website of the municipality of Arnhem.
Stand permit
If you want to sell, offer or provide services or goods from a vehicle or stall in an outdoor place open to the public you need a permit. This also applies to promotional or idealistic purposes. Check the website of the Municipality of Arnhem for more information.
Hospitality and permits
If you plan to set up non-temporary catering establishments then there are a few more permits involved. This can be the case for example when you want to start a permanent exhibition space or offer art and culture in a different way on a structural basis. This is a separate branch of sport and we would like to refer you to the website of the municipality of Arnhem.
How do you apply for a permit?
Of course, applying for a permit varies by type of permit. In particular, the information and documents you provide may differ. Almost always it is possible to apply for the permit through a digital form on the website of the Municipality of Arnhem. You will often be asked to also provide additional documents such as a safety plan, a traffic plan, a plan of action and floor plans. Submit the application for a permit as early as possible, and it is always advisable to let the municipality know even earlier what you are planning. This way you will receive feedback on your plans at an early stage!
What happens after applying?
After you send your application for a permit, it is reviewed by the experts within the municipality. The emergency services are also asked for their opinion. If everything is approved, the permit to be granted will be publicly published via the municipality's website and via the municipal pages in the Arnhemse Koerier. Third parties can then object to this for a short period of time. Therefore, it is always advisable to contact local residents at an early stage. However, the municipality often already knows when it can proceed with publication (i.e. if it is very sure of its case). Still, it happens that you have to adjust something after an objection from a third party. If everything is approved, you will receive a decision from the municipality, which is the official permit. Always keep this well and make sure you have a copy with you on location.
Within the municipality of Arnhem there are several people who look into your application for a permit. In this area they are also your link with emergency services and for example agencies like the Omgeving Dienst Regio Arnhem. Often this is related to safety in the cultural sector. If you have specific questions you can send a message to the municipality of Arnhem or call (0900-1809).
If, from your expertise, you yourself have knowledge that would fit this topic, or if you see opportunities to improve this text, we look forward to receiving your message at info@cultuuracademy.nl.