knowledge base

Overview of local media - Arnhem

On this page we have listed some of Arnhem's local media for you.

On this page we have listed some of Arnhem's local media for you. Please take a moment to read the information on free publicity and press approach before getting started with this. We also have a sample press release ready for you. Elsewhere on the website we go deeper into promotion and publicity around your initiative or project.


Below is an overview of Arnhem local media. Some also have a special digital calendar. Take a look at that overview as well. Make sure you have enough data at hand before you approach them. For example, think of texts, general information such as the date, times and location, your communication channels and some photos. When emailing multiple parties at the same time, briefly put all recipients in the "bcc. Most editors can also be reached through social media.

This is a local news blog covering Arnhem. There is room for content from our own editors but involved Arnhemmers also write their own posts. Mail the editors.

The Arnhem Courier

Every week on Tuesday or Wednesday the Arnhemse Koerier is delivered door-to-door in Arnhem and the surrounding municipalities. You can submit it to the editors via the website. Click here to submit your message.

The Bridge Nijmegen

The Nijmegen colleague of the Arnhem Courier is De Brug Nijmegen Click here to submit your message.

The Gelderlander

This is the regional daily newspaper for Arnhem and other municipalities in the region. Below are the phone numbers and/or a link to the email addresses of the various editorial offices.

The phone number of the above editors is 088-0132472.

The editorial office in Nijmegen can be reached by phone at 088-0132301.

Editor De Liemers' phone number is 088-0133451.

Own! Arnhem

This is a magazine about many different topics from Arnhem and surroundings. It is distributed very widely in the region and the magazine has a retention function. Mail the editors.

Municipal News Online

This website focuses mainly on the area between the Rhine and Waal rivers. If your project or initiative has a link to Arnhem-South it is recommended to upload it here. Click here to submit your message to the editors.

High and Low

The High and Low focuses on the municipalities of Renkum (including Oosterbeek) to Wageningen. If your initiative or project also takes place there, then this is definitely recommended. Click here to share your news with the editors.

Love Arnhem

This is a relatively young website with social media. They report a lot of news about Arnhem and they have a digital calendar on the website. Find out how to contact the editors here.

Door-to-door newspapers in The Liemers

De Persgroep has some titles that focus on municipalities in De Liemers. Below are the email addresses of the editors for each municipality.

In The Neighborhood Arnhem

This website and related social media provides information on local issues. They collaborate with De Gelderlander and De Arnhemse Koerier. Click here to submit your message to the editors.

Young in Arnhem

This is a platform for and by young people. They are very active and have a clear agenda and an editor who reads everything. Click here to submit your message to the editors.

Broadcaster Gelderland

This is the regional broadcaster aimed at virtually all of Gelderland. Their communications are primarily focused on television, radio and the Internet. Email the editors.

Regional Messenger Online

This website focuses on the region to the (south) east of Arnhem. If your initiative or project takes place there you can pass it on to them. Click here for the rules.

RTV Arnhem

This is the local broadcaster and they bring news about Arnhem and the municipality of Renkum via radio and television. Click here to send a mail.

If, from your expertise, you yourself have knowledge that would fit this topic, you are missing some news sources, or you see opportunities to improve this text, we look forward to receiving your message at

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