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Creating a project schedule

When realizing an initiative or a project, it is always advisable to make a planning. This helps enormously in creating an overview because there are often quite a few things involved in the realization of a concept. There are several ways to plan and it is advisable to find your own way.

Project-based work

When realizing an initiative or a project, it is always advisable to make a planning. This helps enormously in creating an overview because there are often quite a few things involved in the realization of a concept. A planning is different from a script because it covers a much longer time frame than just the execution of your initiative or project. There are several ways to plan and it is advisable to find your own way in. On this page we have described information that can certainly help you with it.

What is so important about planning?

Planning is important because it provides an overview. You need an overview so that you know at any moment what you are doing and what the state of affairs is. In addition, you often work with an entire team and it is important that everyone knows where they are in the process and what needs to be done. Also, there are often outside parties depending on what you are doing, a schedule helps keep them up to date on progress. In addition, it is neat and customary to deliver what you promised on time. Some people use yellow bills on their desk, others do it by heart and still others use a calendar or an app. Especially when the initiative or project has a longer duration, or involves many tasks, it is useful to have a real schedule.

What components does a schedule include?

A schedule is an overview of all the tasks involved in the realization of your initiative or project. These tasks are listed in chronological order. You can make a schedule as extensive as you want. In some cases you make several. Then you list the global main issues and key moments in an overview. Then you make separate plans for subsections. The planning generally covers the entire process. That starts from the conception of the initiative or project to the evaluation and financial completion afterward. Some people confuse it with a playbook but that document mainly refers to the actual execution or production.


These are the key times when something must be finished. Preferably include those deadlines in a different color or make sure it is otherwise clear when set deadlines are.

Go or no go

You'll come across this term on a regular basis if all goes well. Make sure you put the development of your initiative in a number of phases and build in a go / no go moment after each phase. That is the moment when you decide to continue or stop. Neither has to be final. You can also adjust things so that you can still go one step further. Go or no-go moments can, for example, be moments when it is clear how much subsidy money has come in; if there is too little subsidy money, sometimes a project cannot go ahead. Results for permits for a certain location or an extended opening time can also determine a go or no go moment.

Adjusting the schedule

In fact, a schedule is never quite finished. You will look at it regularly and adjust the planning as necessary. That's because things change. It is advisable to save new versions from time to time so you can always look back to see how something has developed. You can then use the latest version as a basis for the next initiative or project.

Who are you planning for?

Initially for yourself. A schedule is your red line for the entire process related to the realization of your initiative or project. You can check at any time whether you are still on schedule or whether you need to make adjustments. You also use your planning to give employees and volunteers insight into what needs to be done. There is also a good chance that you will be asked to send in a planning when applying for a subsidy or fund.

Advantages and disadvantages in planning

Making a schedule offers benefits because it gives you insight into what you are doing. With that, it is a thread and a crutch. Through proper use of planning, you can make adjustments when necessary and intervene when others are falling behind. It is also a good discussion document in meetings with a team or partners. Some people find planning difficult because creating and monitoring it takes time. We recommend getting over that because it can actually end up saving you time because you can make adjustments in time. It can also be difficult to make a plan when you encounter a lot of topics. In that case, try to make it a multiple planning. In doing so, separate the main issues and go into the deeper issues in specific planning (for example, for communication).

What do you mention in the schedule?

In a schedule you list as many tasks and activities you will perform in the realization of your initiative or project. You link that to time. With a long run-up, it is useful to first divide it into weeks and later switch to days. In most cases, more tasks are added as implementation approaches. In the schedule, you usually include the names of the (partial) people responsible. In addition, it is good to include space for comments. Indicate very clearly what the deadlines are and the go or no go moments.

How do you plan?

Most people create a schedule in Excel or a similar program. You can also use Word or something similar. Then you can, for example, use the table function to keep it organized. There are also several types of software and different apps you can download to create and keep track of schedules. We found a website that lists some of the more well-known apps.

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