When you apply for a grant or fund , you frequently come across the term "co-financing. There are several ways you can approach this.
When you apply for a grant or a fund, you frequently come across the term "co-financing. In many cases, a grant maker or fund only wants to provide part of the total amount needed for your initiative or project. They then set the requirement that you must be able to generate at least 50% of your own or private funds, for example, to qualify for the contribution. This means that in your budget and in your project plan or plan of action you describe what financial resources you expect from the business community(sponsors) and what income you can include from your public in the financing.
In addition, in many cases it is also possible to include certain things 'in kind' as co-financing. These may include hours you 'sponsor' yourself or practical resources that represent a value such as a car, your laptop or the office space you use.
The guidelines for cofinancing may differ per grant. Therefore, always read the conditions carefully or contact the person from the government responsible for that grant.
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